LEVEL 2 – Intermediate Basics


For dogs who have completed LEVEL 1 or those needing a refresher.

Stay with Duration and Distance- Learn how to teach dog to stay from a 5-7 feet for 30 or more seconds.

  • Focus with Distractions – Practice maintaining dog’s attention. This exercise is practiced through all levels of training.
  • Sit by My Side or By Me – Practice behavior using very little luring and start eliminating treats.
  • Wait/Stay – Begin learning the wait command. Reinforce difference in stay and wait.
  • Off the floor down – Practice the down command while standing upright.
  • Release – Learn how to teach your pup to release or give up objects to you, (toys, balls, etc.)
  • Loose Leash Walking – Practice techniques for loose leash walking.
  • Take it or OK – Learn to teach your pup to wait for treats form your hand, for his food bowl as you place it in front of him/her. In general, wait for everything when you ask them to do so.
  • Situational Expectations- Practice with your pup to sit before you go out the door, before you come in the door. As you go for walks, have your pup sit every 5 feet.